Interviews and new partners!

Today is a great day to be reporting an update! At least the sun is shining in Chicago so this helps to keep the mood fresh! The reason that we have not been posting any updates recently is because our project is starting to gain some attention, and it is by the fellow media as well as other people and even organizations!

The BBC as well as Media Access Australia has sent me an email asking for an interview. Of course, I happily abided to the request. The links will be posted as they are sent to me. Until then, well, we have something else to report as a whole.

We are beginning to collaborate with some very important people within the blindness community. We do not want to let the cat out of the bag, as we are developing a more concrete strategy and moving forward on the same page. This is very important so that confusion does not scour and so we do not confuse anybody else by having someone saying something and having someone else says something else. So, overall, this new partnership is happening as of now, and more details will be released soon, including our plans and strategies. For now though, we do not want to let the cat out of the bag before we point the cat in the right direction.

While you are waiting though you can definitely help us out by providing feedback about Netflix. The more feedback that we receive the easier our campaign becomes.

How you can help us

There’s actually a lot of different ways that you can help us with this project.

1.          Make a donation to help our cause.

2.        Leave us a voicemail or fax at 253-780-9696

3.        Fill out our Netflix accessibility feedback form (NOTE: your responses will be kept for future use.)

4.        Send an email to us. You may attach audio files as well

5.      Leave us a voicemail using your microphone

6.       Help to legislate audio description and captioning in all U.S. cinemas

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